Canine Project
The Canine Project is perfect for 4-H'ers wishing to learn with & train their dog for obedience, agility and trust. With a focus on different skill levels, members will learn about training, competing, and caring for their dog, as well as explore many other dog industry related topics.
For project completion, you will need...
Project Information Page (PIP) & Project Reflection Page
(Project & Year-End Completion Requirements)
(Member Portfolio Page & 4-H Year in Review)
​Additional Member Resources
(i.e. Showmanship Guide, Rally Obedience Guide, etc.)
To be eligible to participate in 4-H Classes at PEI Fairs & Exhibition, members must complete ALL project requirements and supporting documents as listed on the PIP. This information must be displayed in the Member Binder at the Club's Achievement Day.
Exhibition Information
Updated exhibition information is available in May of each year.
Exhibition Entry Form​ (Opens in May - Due June 1)
Leaders Resources...
Our Canine Leader's Google folder contains our Canine Leader Info book, as well as other reference materials to help you plan and teach project meetings.