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Welcome to the space where you can "Learn to do by Doing"! 4-H Projects provide a fantastic opportunity for members and volunteer leaders to collaborate and cultivate valuable skills with hands on activities. 4-H PEI has over 50 established projects, and also offers exciting avenues for exploration through independent projects such as Do Your Own Thing, Create-A-Project, and Provincially run programs! CLICK HERE FOR PROJECT CATEGORIES​​

Need to Know...

  • All 4-H PEI Projects include a Project Information Page (PIP) that outlines the project requirements as well as the end-of-year obligations. The project completion deadline coincides with the Club Achievement Day, where any requested documentation and tangible items should be presented for display.

  • Member Portfolios and Project Reflection Pages must be completed and in your binder or duo-tang for Achievement Day.

  • If you are missing either of these pages, click below to print your own!

  • It is important for members to follow through on completing the reflection pages as they serve as a running journal, allowing you to save your 4-H experiences from year to year in one place!​

Member Portfolio (2024-2025)


Project Reflection Page

reflective pages.jpg
  • Some projects (mainly livestock) will also have additional documentation & requirements for members to complete. Remember to check under each project heading for this information

  • To achieve completion with a 4-H project (or projects) AND to be eligible to participate in 4-H Classes at Fairs & Exhibitions, members must have ALL project requirements (listed on the PIP) and supporting documents (member portfolio & project reflection) completed and showcased in Member Binder for their Club's Achievement Day


Provincial Projects.png
Foods & Entertaining.png
Livestock Projects.png
Crafts & Creative Arts.png
Science & Technology.png
Intro to 4-H.png
Intro to 4-H.png
Outdoors & Environment.png



  • To achieve completion with these projects and to take part in summer exhibitions, members must have all project requirements (listed on the PIP) and supporting documents completed and showcased in the Member Binder for their Club's Achievement Day


  • To minimize food waste, members are asked to share a photo of themselves with their finished food item for Achievement Day documentation. For Exhibitions, members are encouraged to enter the actual food item they made, following the guidelines on the PIP.


  • Additional Project Resources are provided as reference materials for volunteer leaders. These resources can be utilized when organizing project workshops and sessions for your members. However, remember to tap into your own creativity to help 4-H'ers learn to do by doing and develop the desired skills of the project. If not listed above OR if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your 4-H Specialist for assistance.

4-H PEI Publications: Terms of Use

All written resources are owned by 4-H PEI.

With requested & authorized consent for use of 4-H PEI resources, the following terms and conditions apply:

  • Materials are to be used for personal use only

  • Duplication and distribution of written materials for commercial use is strictly prohibited

  • 4-H PEI and all other contributors recognized in the original resource must be acknowledged as the content creators within the document.​

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